Bloomsday 2018
Celebrate Bloomsday 2018 on the Costa del Sol.
Note to circulate to Joyceans.
Photographs from the Beach 2018.
Bloomsday 2018 in Spain
Talk Radio, Europe - tre - report and interviews by Ger Sweeney, Live on Eire,
Monday 18 June 2018.
The piece can be replayed here.
Talk_Radio_Europe_in_Spain_ 2018-06-18_18-00-00.mp3
Listen from 43 to 53 minutes or the complete show is one hour.
I also enclose a copy of photos that were taken on the day on the beach.
A little story from The Paris Review from 2018.
http://artrogersstore. all-joyceans-here-then.html
Great piece by Ger Sweeney; lovely photos by Dolores, as usual;
excellent story in the Paris Review; lovely morning with friends on the
Bloomsday beach. It doesn't get much better.
Thanks for enriching our lives, Roger.
Bloomsday Bathe and Reading on the Beach.
Saturday 16.06.2018 at the Beach in Fuengirola, Malaga, Spain.
08:00 to 10:30 h. La Cepa Playa, in front of Hotel Florida and the carousel.
Readings from Ulysses - 8th year - Chapter Eight in your own language.
"Pineapple rock, lemon platt, butter scotch. A sugarsticky girl shovelling scoopfuls of creams for a christian brother".
Read in your own language.
On the beach 2018.
Bloomsday Báñese en la playa
Fuengirola, España.
Únase a nosotros para un baño Bloomsday en la playa: BAÑO! CHAPUZON! o ENCONTRARSE!
Fuengirola, a las 8 de la mañana - En frente del Hotel Florida.
Sábado, 16 de junio, 2018.
hombre Joiciano en Fuengirola para un Bloomsday un Baño en la Playa,
seguido por lecturas informales de Ulysses por James Joyce, en inglés,
español, sueco, finlandés o cualquier idioma y un Desayuno Continental.
Este evento consistirá en un no-intelectual,
Diversión informal y reunión que proporcionara la oportunidad de divertirse y darse un chapuzón en el agua del mar.
Este evento es GRATIS. Si quiere comer o beber dependerá de usted!
07.45: R. En frente del Hotel Florida.
desinvertir y sumergirse en “el mar verde moco escroto apretando” –
habiendo sido calentado por el sol del verano español. 08:30: Lecturas
realizadas por los presentes seguidos de lecturas voluntarias
por aquellos participantes masculinos o femeninos en su propio idioma
usando diferentes variedades de trajes, sombreros y ropa de playa.
Suficiente? OK, entonces vamos a nadar, inmersión o paleta antes de
marchar al Chiringuito (La Cepa Playa) para tostadas con aceite de
oliva, café y charlar.
Jueves, 16 de junio 1904 fue la fecha del primer Bloomsday!
Si usted piensa que un amigo o compañero Joycean le gustaría recibir esta invitación, por favor, no dude de transmitírsela.
Si usted tiene alguna sugerencia para hacer nuestro evento, mejor por favor háganoslo saber aquí o Detalles de la ubicación exacta (direcciones) se enviará a los interesados tan pronto como este aprobada
Bloomsday – 16 de junio –
es una celebración anual entre los fanáticos de Joyce en todo el mundo,
desde Fuengirola a Melbourne. Se celebra en sesenta países alrededor
del mundo, pero en ninguna parte tan imaginativamente, por supuesto,
como en Dublín. La novela Ulises, de James Joyce, narra los
acontecimientos hora a hora de un día en Dublín – 16 de junio de 1904 –
como un ordinario Dubliner, Leopold Bloom, serpentea su camino a través
del paisaje urbano, la odisea de un moderno Ulisses.
señor Leopold Bloom comía con fruición los órganos internos de bestias y
aves. Le gustaba la sopa de menudillos espesa, las mollejas de nuez, un
corazón asado relleno, rodajas de hígado fritas concrustcrumbs, huevas
hencods fritas. Sobre todo le gustaba los riñones a la parrilla de
cordero que le dieron a su paladar un sabor fino de la orina ligeramente
perfumada “. James Joyce, Ulisses.
Únase a nosotros para un baño Bloomsday en la playa: BAÑO! CHAPUZON! o ENCONTRARSE!
Episode 8, Lestrygonians
Davy Byrne’s Pub, Dublin
Bloom's thoughts are peppered with references to food as lunchtime approaches. He meets an old flame and hears news of Mina Purefoy's labour. He enters the restaurant of the Burton Hotel where he is revolted by the sight of men eating like animals. He goes instead to Davy Byrne's pub, where he consumes a gorgonzola cheese sandwich and a glass of burgundy, and muses upon the early days of his relationship with Molly and how the marriage has declined: 'Me. And me now.' Bloom's thoughts touch on what goddesses and gods eat and drink. He ponders whether the statues of Greek goddesses in the National Museum have anuses as do mortals. On leaving the pub Bloom heads toward the museum, but spots Boylan across the street and, panicking, rushes into the gallery across the street from the museum.
Odysseus, the main character of Homer's Odyssey, visited them during his journey back home to Ithaca. The giants ate many of Odysseus's men and destroyed eleven of his twelve ships by launching rocks from high cliffs. Odysseus's ship was not destroyed as it was hidden in a cove near shore. Everyone on Odysseus's ship survived the incident.[1]- His soldiers, with a dozen ships, arrive at "the rocky stronghold of Lamos: Telepylus, the city of the Laestrygonians.
Odysseus kept his own ship outside the harbor, moored to a rock. He climbed a high rock to reconnoiter, but could see nothing but some smoke rising from the ground. He sent two of his company and an attendant to investigate the inhabitants. The men followed a road and eventually met a young woman on her way to the Fountain of Artakia to fetch some water, who said she was a daughter of Antiphates, the king, and directed them to his house. However, when they got there they found a gigantic woman, the wife of Antiphates who promptly called her husband, who immediately left the assembly of the people and upon arrival snatched up one of the men and killed him on the spot, presumably then drinking his blood (as it states in the Odyssey that he only met with the men with the intention of drinking their blood). The other two men, Eurylochus and Polites, ran away, but Antiphates raised an outcry, so that they were pursued by thousands of Laestrygonians, who are either giants or very large men and women. They threw vast rocks from the cliffs, smashing the ships, and speared the men like fish. Odysseus made his escape with his single ship because it was not trapped in the harbor; the rest of his company was lost. The surviving crew went next to Aeaea, the island of Circe.
According to historian Angelo Paratico the Laestrygonians were the result of a legend originated by the sight by Greek sailors of the giants of Mount Prama, recently excavated in Sardinia [2].
Later Greeks believed that the Laestrygonians, as well as the Cyclopes, had once inhabited Sicily.[3][4]
A Noel Duffy film. A Stroll Through Ulysses.
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