While we can’t say what genius is, exactly, there’s a bit to be learned by what bright folks say about it. There’s more than one side to genius, of course, but it seems to me there’s remarkable agreement: “Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.” ( George-Louis De Buffon ) "Genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” ( Thomas Edison ) “Genius is not a possession of the limited few, but exists in some degree in everyone. Where there is natural growth, a full and free play of faculties, genius will manifest itself.” ( Robert Henri ) “The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.” ( Aldous Huxley ) “Genius is the infinite capacity for taking pains.” ( Jane Hopkins ) "Genius, the power which dazzles human eyes, is oft but perseverance in disguise.” ( Henry W. Austin ) Okay, back to work. The Kiss, sculpture by Augu...