Papli by Milly


PAPLI by Milly


Artists Commentary:






This is a childish drawing of Leopold Bloom by his daughter Milly as described by James Joyce.


I have reversed the letter "L" to give it a childlike appearance.


The description of the drawing is contained in the second last chapter of Ulysses, "Ithaca", located in Bloom's house, 7, Eccles Street.


Bloom opens the first drawer of his chest of drawers which contains a "Vere Foster's handwriting copybook, property of Milly (Millicent) Bloom..... diagram drawings marked Papli, which showed a large globular head with 5 hairs erect, 2 eyes in profile, the trunk full front with 3 large buttons, 1 triangular foot,....." 


I hope that you can enjoy it's simplicity! 


Picasso once admitted that it had taken him 50 years to learn how to paint like a child.


Chapter 17 - Ithaca - 2.00 to 2.45 AM - Eccles Street - Skeleton.


Completed November 2011.

Oil on Canvas.

50 x 70 cm.


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