
Showing posts from January, 2021

James Joyce's Birthday - Poetry

 On 2/2/22 we celebrate the arrival of the first copy of Ulysses100 years later . Selected Poems from James Joyce and Me. Happy 140th Birthday Mr Joyce. 2/2/22. Joyce received his great novel Ulysses          on           2/2/22 The novel arrived from the Swiss publishers in his prearranged cover colouring and specified typeface. Love Loves to Love Love. I  2nd. February  2021 If Joyce were still alive he would be 139 years old today. Born 1882 died 13/01/1941. I would like to feature a poem written by Joyce entitled " Gas from a Burner ". 14 September 1912:   Joyce started writing  the poem  ‘ Gas from a Burner ’ in the railway station waiting room in Flushing (Vlissingen) in the Netherlands on his way from Dublin to Trieste, and he completed it between there and Salzburg.  He had it printed in Trieste and sent copies to Dublin.  The poem was a broadside against his Dublin Publisher George Ro...