Sabor de España - Taste of Spain


Contact : Roger Cummiskey - Tel : 952 592 652  -  Mob. 666 782 642


Art Exhibition

Un paseo por Ulysses - A Stroll Through Ulysses
Arte y Cocina Restaurante 
Calle Miguel de Cervantes, 15, Fuengirola 29640.

Inauguración: Thursday 07.06 @ 18:00 h

Until 30.06.

Open daily 18-23 h.
Closed Monday/Lunes cerrado.
An interesting collection of paintings combining influences based on James Joyce and Miguel de Cervantes and other Spanish related themes by Roger Thomas Cummiskey, Irish Artist.

Restaurante: phone: +34 610 953 998 (mobile).

Guzyal from Kazakhstan and her Italian husband Luciano have opened a new restaurant in Fuengirola serving an International menu and creating a gallery for the display of Artworks.

I had never met anybody from Kazakhstan previously. Guzyal is absolutely charming. She and Luciano speak perfect English and Guzyal is working hard and doing a great job with her Spanish.

I sampled some of their treats: (All full of surprises).

Art Exhibition

Choice of Images:

Don Quijote La Pluralista

James Joyce the Pluralist

Don y Sancho


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