Don´t be Fooled!

Don’t Be Fooled! There is Nothing Smart About Smartwater.


Most of us don’t usually pay for something you can get for free. But yet many of us willingly pay a few dollars for a bottle of water.
We may just be victims of the marketing machine that has turned into a $100 billion dollar industry. However, bottled water isn’t the fancy water you’ve been led to believe. In fact,  40 percent of bottled water is actually regular tap water. 
The same is true for Smartwater. Did you know that Glaceau SmartWater is made/owned by the Coca Cola Company? The water in the SmartWater bottle isn’t anything special.  It’s not going to make you healthy or give your body nutrients any more than any other water would.

Smartwater is sourced from tap water  

The truth is bottled water is essentially the same tap water you can get at home. Smart Water is sourced from tap water. According to manufacturer Glacéau, Smartwater typically starts as municipal (that is, tap) water.

It ends up as “vapor distilled water with minerals added for great taste.”
They run the water through charcoal, disinfect the water and then add electrolytes back into the water. There are other processes that take place to help the water taste better.

Smartwater is distilled 

Distilled water is a type of purified water. It’s water that has gone through a very thorough filtration process to strip it of contaminants such as bacteria, viruses and dangerous heavy metals like lead, arsenic, aluminum and mercury.

However, it also strips it of important elements.  Without these elements the hydrogen content becomes greater in proportion which makes the water very acidic.  In turn, the water tries to balance itself out by pulling minerals from the body and contaminants from the container it is found in.
Paavo Airola wrote about the dangers of distilled water in the 1970’s when it first became popular, “Distilled water is totally devoid of all minerals, and prolonged use of it may leach out the body’s own mineral reserves and lead to severe mineral deficiencies and such diseases as osteoporosis, diabetes, tooth decay and heart disease.”

Smartwater Contains ElectrolytesElectrolytes are the body’s essential ions, of which the most important are sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium.  

However, electrolytes are only beneficial for athletes who perform endurance activities such as marathon running.

According to the Washington Post:
“… only people ‘dedicated’ to exercising need to replenish [electrolytes] … and then it’s necessary only if they work out vigorously for more than an hour. Tap water has the added benefits of being all but free, and free of calories. 
In fact, Smartwater contains less electrolytes than most tap water.
Plastic Water Bottles are dangerous to your health.

The plastic used to make water bottles is full of chemicals. Most plastic bottles contain BPA – bisphenol-A. It’s a toxic chemical that is linked to major health problems. (here) Plastic water bottles also contain phthalates; they mimic hormones in your body. If left in the sun or exposed to heat, these chemicals are leached into the water.

Drink Kangen Water  You will feel better!


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