Paddys Day 2015


Get outa my garden Ya slithery snakes Ya!

Get outa my garden Ya slithery snakes Ya! watercolour 2017 Feb.

March Events:​

Saint Patricks Day Events.


Fuengirola TV en español.


Malaga City:

Mass at 11 AM at iglesia San Patricio followed with an opportunity to meet the small but exclusive Irish community from Malaga City.

Fuengirola and Benalmadena various events.

14.03 and 15.03 Irish Club Marbella run a two day event. See their web site.

Art Exhibitions ongoing at LUCIA, Fuengirola. "Flowers and Fountains" with R Wood and Vanda Athay currently showing.

Rugby: Saturday next will see the pubs heaving with Paddies to witness Wales v Ireland in the Six Nations.
Rugby Union to you! Played 3 won 3! Come on ye boys in Green!

We beat Italy, France and England so far. Now on to away games against Wales and Scotland.

Accommodation in Fuengirola: 
Two Bedroom apartment available from May 01.

Saint Patricks Day Events.


Fuengirola TV en español.



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