1st Irish Gathering in Spain

Roger goes to Madrid.

19 and 20 September.

Over the past 5 years more Irish people have emigrated to Continental Europe than to the UK and America combined. And at an incredible 90,000 Irish citizens, Spain has more Irish residents than any other European country.

A focal point will be a Panel discussion on

"In Spain, Keeping in touch with Ireland"

featuring Irish and Spanish panelists from all walks of life, from Business to Tourism, Academic to Irish Culture and Sport in Spain. This will be chaired by Roger Cummiskey.

Details of the Irish Gathering in Spain and the Special Flights Prize, are on EuropeanIrish.com the number 1 website for the Irish in Spain and those interested in Irish activities in Spain.

I Encuentro de Irlandeses y amantes de Irlanda en España
(Madrid, 19th-20th September 2009)

Saturday 19th/ Sábado 19:

Morning/Mañana: Activities at the Irish Rover/ Actividades en el pub Irish Rover (Avda. Brasil, 7):

10.30: Initial meet up and coffee. Setting up the stands for companies or associations willing to share their projects/ Recepción y café. Instalación de stands para las empresas o las asociaciones que quieran compartir sus proyectos: Aer Lingus, Suantrí…

11.30: Opening speech/ Discurso inaugural

11.45: Grainne O’Kefee (Lecturer Irish Studies University Rennes 2 France.

Roger Cummiskey, Artist/Painter on Twitpic

12.00. Discussion panel/ Mesa redonda:

“In-Spain: keeping in touch with Ireland”.

Chairman/ Moderador: Roger Cummiskey

Panelists/ Asistentes:

European Irish- InSpain (Irish Network Spain): Siasy Collins

Travel Agency: Viajes Suantrí (Carmen Leal)

The ‘Hibernosfera’ or Irish-related glogs/ La hibernosfera o los blogs de temática irlandesa (Chesús Yuste)

AIA, Andalusian International Artists Group: (Roger Cummiskey)

13.00: Recitation of selected Irish poems by Antonio Rivero Taravillo/ Recital de una selección de poemas irlandeses a cargo de Antonio Rivero Taravillo.

13.30:Actuación musical del grupo O’Carolan. Presentación de su disco ‘El reloj secreto’, en The Irish Rover.

14.30: Traditional Irish Lunch livened up by The Meridian Theatre Company / Comida irlandesa amenizada por la compañía de teatro Meridian (The Irish Rover).

Evening/ Tarde:

18.00: Hibernosfera 2009: 2nd meeting of the editors and readers of Irish-related blogs and Ireland lovers/ II Encuentro de los blogs de temática irlandesa y amantes de Irlanda (The Irish Rover).

21.00: Irish music/Música irlandesa: Jam session -seisiún cheoil-, (Finbar’s, C/ Marqués de Urquijo, 10).

Sunday 20th/ Domingo 20:

16.00: live broadcast of the All-Ireland Football Final/ retransmisión en directo del Campeonato de Irlanda de fútbol gaélico.

Irish International Watercolourist
Irish International Watercolourist


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